Friday, August 14, 2009

Reasons to Leave a Church

1) A church begins to compromise the biblical essentials (e.g., Jesus is God and came to provide us salvation, there is one God).
2) When differences in belief or practice become so serious that cooperation in ministry is seriously hindered.
3) When legitimate needs are not being met.
4) When the leadership becomes abusive, serving themselves at the expense of the members, or tolerating sin that should have been dealt with.
5) Leaving to serve in another church so that the gospel can flourish.

In every situation, the decision to leave should always be done carefully, prayerfully, and in communication with the church leaders to see if the issues can be worked out. People should never just disappear from a church unless they are being spiritually abused causing any form of communication to be dangerous.

In summary, Christians need to be committed to the church.

(There are many illegitimate reasons to leave a church - I will post those soon.)

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