Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Affirmation File

I am really just an amateur when it comes to being a youth pastor and even fairly fresh when it comes to being in the work environment at all. But I have been here long enough, and can see enough into the future, to understand how difficult it can sometimes be. No matter what field of expertise you find yourself in, there will always be those seasons in which you are down and out. Sometimes you may even want to give up and just quit all together. Those times are when this concept will come into play with the greatest results.

The idea is to begin an affirmation file. You can call it something else so it doesn't sound so plain and rigid, but the concept should remain the same.

When you receive a thank you note, encouragement letter, or any kind of recognition for a job well done, save it. It is as simple as that. It's tempting to sometimes toss these notes or let it gather with the rest of the clutter, but don't let this happen! Instead, immortalize them by saving them in a file folder or a box.

Next year when you are struggling, or you feel like you can't produce the quality you once did, or no one seems to appreciate your hard work, you might be able to pull out a note or two to read. After two or three years the folder may begin to bulge, and after 10 years you'll need a crane to move it.

This might sound conceited or self-centered right now. But I promise you that when you get to the low points in life it is often difficult to remember the high points. This file should help you shed some much needed tears and put a smile back on your face. Try it.

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