Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Lesson in Viral Christianity from the Black Eyed Peas

Have you seen this video yet? A simple performance by the Black Eyed Peas on the Oprah Show in the streets of Chicago. They were performing their hit song "I Gotta Feeling" with some pretty incredible results. Pay close attention to the girl dancing in the front...all alone. And no matter where you might be right now (home, work, school) - blow up those speakers - turn it up!

Pretty sweet, huh? You have this incredible group performing their hit song on stage to thousands of people who were just...dead. Although BEP and the song had tons of energy, the crowd was lifeless, except for one girl. It was definitely awkward at first - thousands of people standing still and listening to the music as one lady at the front was completely involved no matter what the rest of the people around her were doing or thinking.

BUT, how quickly that changes when some other people start to get involved. It went from one person to about ten, from ten to twenty, and then all of the sudden every single person was dancing along with the song and it became a cool thing.

Allow me to make a spiritual connection to what you just saw. Without getting cheesy or irrelevant, I want to connect this performance by the Black Eyed Peas with Christianity.

If you are going along in life trying to do the "Jesus" thing all alone it can be a pretty lonely, dare I say even, at times an awkward situation. BUT, how different is that pursuit of Jesus when you aren't doing it by yourself? When you have others standing (or dancing) alongside you that can change everything!

It might start out with just you though. At least it might feel that way. You might feel as though you are the only Christian at your school or at your job and everyone else is just looking at you like you are crazy. But if you continue in your "craziness" long enough it will become attractive and as others begin to see it work, they will take part in it two. You might only infect four or five people, but those four or five infect ten, the ten infect thirty, the thirty infect one-hundred, and before you know it, all the thousands of people at the concert will be "dancing" along with you.

Christianity is truly viral. Ask the first church in the book of Acts. They went from 1 or 2 Christ-followers to 3,000 in one day. Within a week or two they hit 5,000, and Scripture says that they grew in numbers daily (for those of you not good at math, that is at least 365 new Christians a year).

Your job is to infect. Start with one or two, but stay strong. Go against the crowd if that is what it takes. We have something worth living for and you should want everyone around to have it too. Continue to dance.

*This concept I completely "borrowed" from Pastor Mike Leahy at Liquid Church.*

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