Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Would Jesus Discriminate?

Maybe you have seen the billboards up on the highway, or an internet ad, or even television commercial, and wondered - "What's all that about?" I first heard someone at church mention it and gave it only a seconds thought before brushing it out of my mind, sure that the woman had misread the billboard. But then only a day or two later I was driving down the highway and saw this sign up and to my left.
Would Jesus Discriminate?
My answer to this billboard, group, and question, is Yes. Would Jesus discriminate? Yes, He definitely would. Discrimination simply means to distinguish by exposing differences. This is the very nature of God. The God of the Bible is both a God of love and peace as well as a God of righteous anger and judgment.

Both Jesus and God (I will use their names synonymously because, after all, they are One Person) are beings of love and joy and happiness and friendship and fellowship. They love the non-Christian just as much as they love the life-long Christ-follower. They love their creation, they hate their creation's sin. And in this, God discriminates.

Jesus lived His human life as a man set on correcting the corrupt world in which He chose to live. He healed the sick, He raised the dead, He loved the abandoned, and He saved mankind through His death and resurrection. He discriminated between the fallen nature - sickness, death, abandonment, sin - and His holy and perfect nature - complete health, full life, salvation and safety.

God wants all of creation to turn back to Him, and as this fails to happen, those who are apart from God will be judged by God and condemned to eternal punishment in Hell. God discriminates between the righteous and the unrighteousness - those who love, honor, and serve Him, and those who want nothing to do with Him.

In regards to sexuality...
Sexuality is intended to be within marriage and between one man and one woman. In the Book of Beginnings - Genesis, God Himself instituted the covenant of marriage. Matthew 19:4-5 reflects back to Genesis:

"At the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.'"

God's plan for a man and woman is to be married and enjoy one another through marital intimacy. Anything outside of this plan sin.

In regards to homosexuality...
Therefore, fornication (sex before marriage), adultery (sex outside of marriage), pornography (you know what this is...), and yes, homosexuality are all sexual sins.

All sex outside of heterosexual marriage is sin.

"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22

"Abomination" here describes a fairly heavy connotation encompassing words such as scandal, disgrace, and atrocity. And I think this is law is pretty applicable for us today, not just for that day, as many would argue. After all, the next law forbids sex with animals...

The Apostle Paul clearly speaks to both homosexuality and lesbianism as being shameful, indecent, and perversion:

"God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
Romans 1:26-27

Yes, homosexuality is a sin. It is a perversion of God's original intended plan of marriage. Though this specific sin, while it has some potentially serious consequences, is not any greater of magnitude than the sin committed by the young couple who is dating and having sex.

The point is, ALL sexual sin outside of heterosexual marriage is sin. We should all be conducting our lives in a right and holy manner, pleasing to God, and free of any and all sexual sin.


  1. Good stuff Dustin. Do you have any idea how they deduce this affirmation from this passage. I have heard a lot of twisted scripture, but that is a new one for me.

  2. No, this one is pretty ridiculous. I wouldn't recommend this website to anyone, but here is their "sermon" on this text:
