Monday, June 8, 2009

Death by Process

I just listened to Ed Young and his team talk about the concept and tendency of churches to experience "Death by Process". What this is is when churches see a process working for another church, and since it works for that church, they assume that it will work for their church. They then implement that process in the life of their church only to find out that it doesn't work, in fact, it sometimes works negatively and causes decrease in whatever area they were hoping to see increase.

We often tend to think that what works for one successful church will flawlessly work for our churches. This isn't the case. There is always a story behind the story.

Church A might succeed in adding another contemporary service with flashing lights, smoke, and a loud rock band. While Church B might fall flat on their face when trying to do the same. The story behind the story might be that Church A is in the middle of a young adult community in Austin, Texas, while Church B might be a growing church in Bentonville, Arkansas, that is surrounded by an older generation of people that like country music and everything simple.

What works perfectly for one church will not work perfectly for another.

What will work is taking a concept or idea that is working for one church and applying it to your own scenario and situation. Change and adapt. Make it your own. Maybe Church B would benefit from adding another contemporary service but cancel the lights, smoke, and glitter, and add a loud traditional band that can start to bridge the gap between the old folks and the younger ones in the community.

If you completely mimic another church's process, you will most likely experience death.
If you take another church's process and adapt it to fit your situation with your story behind the story, then you are on your way to success.

1 comment:

  1. Good thought bro! I think another way to state what you're seeing is principles vs. programs, or values vs. strategies. Bill Hybels uses seeker services. Many try to imitate him without understanding the value behind the strategy - partnering with your people to win their lost friens. Some think that if they just do what someone else did, that the lost are just going to wander in.

    The value is the important thing - how you live that value out needs to be informed by your context (local community, your gifts, your people, your size, etc..)

    You're pretty sharp to figure this stuff out at your age man! You're way ahead of where I was at that point in life in ministry. Bless you bro!
